Friday, September 25, 2009

85k apps?

Okay, seriously - who the heck has the time to wade through the thousands of new iPhone apps that are released every day? If you haven't yet been to; it's a really good site that pulls in the feed from the iTunes store and lists ALL the apps based on the release date. You can sort just free ones and so forth.

What I really hate are the 15 - 20 releases of the same damn app, i.e. tracker. Do we really need a Pierce Brosnan tracker, well I guess if we need one for Sharon Osborne, why not!

This has always bothered me, even back when there was only 20+ thousand apps in the store.

This sounds like a problem in need of a solution.... ;-)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Upcoming Projects

I'm working on two Cocos2D templates or rather what I call "starter apps". They will have the basic skeleton for a Cocos2D game without the actual game code. One for landscape and the other for portrait.

For me basic skeleton is this layout

Menu with Play, Settings & About

Game - would play the game after a nice 3 second count down and include a pause button
Settings - turn on/off sound and pick menu transition types
About - info panel(s)

Why? Well, this is about the only way I can give back to the Cocos2D community and my goal is to help a few other developers improve their games by demonstrating some simple menu techniques. With the power of Cocos2D there really isn't any reason an app should be released without these basic items (IMO).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Game Engine <> Success

Okay, I've been following several game engine forums (Unity, Cocos2D and SIO) and what I have learned is:

"Just because you use a game engine does not mean your game won't suck"

Sorry but from the oh 100+ games I've looked at, many of which I even snagged a free copy, frankly a lot of them are really bad. A few are playable and very few are what I would call good.

This isn't ALL bad because I'm taking it all in so when I finally release something; I hope it will be high quality and fun to play.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Nothing fancy here - just trying to give back to the iPhone development community.